Driving License
Texas, the biggest state in USA . So the public transportation is not that great. Very rarely you can find DART(Dallas rapid transport) which provides both train and bus service only at specific locations and less frequent. So it's always better to have personal transport like car.
In 2013, the rule to apply for driving license is that the person has to produce 2 address proof to Prove that he has resided in USA for 30 days.
Most of times we can't have 2 address proof, in such case any person living in the same address as of you can produce his address proof for you. The list of documents that are accepted by DMV (driving motor vehicle) office can be found online in their website.
Once you have necessary documents, prepare for online written test and then go to nearest DMV office so that you could take the written test on the same day.
After online test, the results will be informed on the computer screen itself. If you are not prepared for driving test, then ask them for driving permit to practice driving. Immediately after this book appointment for driving test online.
Initially you would be given temporary permit in a paper, later you would get permit as card by mail in few weeks. Then look out for driving schools to practice.
Usually in american driving schools the fee will be quite high. Go for some desi school where they charge less. In 2013, the lowest fee was $80 for 2 hours. If you have a car then you could take one class and then practice yourself.
Since I did not have car I took 4 classes with the driving school. In driving test one parallel parking, 10 right turns, 10 left turns and one straight or angled parking will be asked for. The test lasts for 10 mins.
On the day of test, be in dmv office Atleast 30 mins before the appointment time. as you need to fill some forms before test. During the driving test carry all the documents produced for applying the driving license. And make sure the car you are driving is in good condition with all indicators , brakes, head light are working. Your name should be on insurance list of the car you want to drive.
Don't be nervous, just be calm. Practice a lot and be confident while driving in road test.
Once you park the vehicle after the test, the examiner will tell your result. The driving license will be received by mail within 2 weeks.
$25 for online written test
$11 for road test
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